Why trust your Business to my Business?
I began by selling securities, winning a two-week trip to Europe for selling the most government backed mortgages, and have been selling ideas ever since. While at JWT I launched Listerine Pocketpaks and won the Unilever Caress business that, in turn, resulted in Unilever awarding the agency the Vaseline business. I convinced Nicole Miller to design a line for Wildaid. Traps, a television spot I did for Wildaid, was named one of the best spots on Ad Critic. The outdoor, print and television campaign I did for NYC Choppers resulted in the company being invited into the elite custom bike competition. I was part of the winning team for the JCPenney account being awarded to DDB, Chicago, Tanqueray and Eveready being award to JWT and Swatch being awarded to Weiss, Whitten & Partners. While at Chiat I launched the Barelythere lingerie line. The launch so far exceeded sales expectations in the first six months that the agency was awarded a substantial bonus. The creative was named best spot in Adweek. Additional award winning accounts I worked on include Absolut, Armani, Barnes & Noble, Bass, Bud, Business Week, DeBeers, Ferrari, General Mills, Guerlain, Lubriderm, Olay, Ralston, Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, Unilever and Wonderbra.